Thursday 17 February 2011

Pictures of my soul.

A long time ago, something like 3 years now, a friend of mine asked to take pictures of me and two other friends dressed as clowns. One side of my face was painted perfectly. The other was smudged.
I was afraid of clowns you see.
Yet looking back on the pictures, I feel like that camera saw into the very fabric of my soul.

I paint my face every day, yet behind it my thoughts and emotions are smudged and broken.
I represent fear through how I write, the horror that fills the pages beneath my fingertips are those that should be concealed away from the world, but it showed through my face.
 I am just another painted face in the sea of humanity, perfect, until you look closer; Then you see only one side is perfect, the other is... dark... wiped clean... yet still remains stained.

Bad days.

So... Bad days. They happen to us all - correct?
Today I had one thing go wrong straight after another.
As usual I kept on going. Not one to complain, unless I'm ill, but I kept on.
There is nothing more satisfying than a job done thoroughly, unless you happen to have someone on your back the entire time.

My writing desk has been a little lonely in recent days. I feel I am neglecting it a tad.
Unfortunately some things just get pushed to the side.

It's called prioritizing. But no matter how much we hate to, we have to. It's a social norm. What comes first?
Work. For most. It's awful because it really SHOULD be family, but it's not.

Family? For me, yes. That includes 2 very close friends who practically live at my house and my boyfriend.

What about 3rd? Pleasurable activities? - Take that which ever way you must. For me (along with other things) is my writing.

Through all the work and stress and family related rubbish - I'm going to lock myself away in a dimly lighted room and find time tonight for me and my pages.
I suggest you all do the same. Find time for you.
Especially if you have a bad day. We all have them, make yours turn into a good day.
So end tonight on a pleasant note.

Tuesday 15 February 2011


Illness is a bastard isn't it?
Here I am with;
  1. Two 3500 word essays to complete.
  2. Two 1500 word essays to complete.
  3. A 500 word W.P.C or Written Performance Concept to complete.
  4. A whole 3 minute screen play/script and film to complete.
  5. 6 DIFFERENT shows in the space of a month and a half - I am a main character in all of them.
  6. A portfolio for my University course to assemble.
  7. Accommodation to organize.
  8. Funding and loans to organize.
All to be completed within the space of a month and a half.

I'm now running on empty. I have come down with a Throat Infection and cannot do anything. I'm missing rehearsals and precious revision time thanks to being ill.
Why does that always happen? When you're in the thick of multiple tasks (and important ones at that!) you fall ill.
Despite desperately avoiding people with illness' alas I caught one.

So, while I muster the energy to write this blog I shall close with this - Screw you illness. Screw you and your whole operation.

Monday 14 February 2011

Killing in the name of...?

I've been thinking for a while now about what I'd do if an organization like the "Elite Hunting Club" from Hostel and Hostel pt.2 existed and I had the means to pay... Would I? And if I could pay to choose who I killed... Say for instance someone I know?

It made me question what kind of person I am.

I find this a difficult question to answer as my immediate reaction is "YES" however what would I do and how would I do it?
Having a human being bound and defenseless there for me to slaughter and walk away - even if I absolutely despised the person, could I do it? Or would it be easier if it was someone I didn't know at all? No emotional connection what so ever? Or would the hate be enough to drive me to murder?

There is something deep inside every human that would make them kill. A trigger if you will. Every single human being will kill if they're pushed to their boundary. Everyone's boundary is different and unique to them; Some people's are a much smaller trigger and easily set off, others are far fetched and moral.

But... If you were in that room, complete power over another human being's life, total legal immunity... Totally 100% sure you could walk away free.

I think a question that defines us all is this;

It's in your house under your bed... waiting...

So what frightens you the most?

Is it monsters, Aliens, Serial Killers, Mutated humans, Virus outbreak, Groups of organized killers, Clowns? This is the question that perplexes me on a daily basis. Sharp teeth, Dead eyes, long nails, skin falling off? What is the scariest thing you can think of?

For me it's things (once human) that show absolutely no sign of intelligence. Something you cannot communicate nay REASON with, that has no other instinct than to kill on sight. Something that lurks in the darkness. So I think it's safe to say I'm more afraid of things like "Zombies", mutated Rabies infected humans that can come back from the dead or something human like  (REC and Quarantine, 28 Days/Weeks Later and the Decent)

Even though I'm actually not "Afraid" as such these are the things in horror that get me a little bit.
Serial Killers, monsters and aliens are just funny (Fictional serial killers - I don't wish to upset anyone)  But for some reason I find one of the oldest "Daddys" of horror creepy. It just goes to show - even somebody as de-sensitised to horror and violence can be (only the smallest bit) creep-ed out by something!

Now there has got to be something that plays with you in horror - just one thing?

What's yours?


Well hello boys and girls. Today I am going to talk to you about; HILL BILLY DANGER.
So lets look at the most common mistakes made in these slack jawed ho-cum tales of cannibalism and incest.
  1. Take a small moment to evaluate the amount of petrol "Gas" you have in your car.
  2. If you find yourselves with two choices - here's a hint - DO NOT TAKE THE DELAPADATED DIRT ROAD
  3. If you happen to have ignored the first 2 peices of advice; Stay together - No splitting up to look for help or worse... A telephone!
  4. If you decided to split up (no suprise there) then you need to stay in the grouping formation. If someone dies do not try and save them, get the hell outta there!
  5. Play it safe - if you have someone who screams alot - GAG THEM - You don't need more attention than you already have.
  6. If you stumble across a house - Leave it alone e.g. DON'T GO IN! Hill billys are actually quite private and don't like you messing around with their stuff - oh and also guys it's called breaking and entering if you get caught (:
  7. Ok lets say you've gone in - you know darn well those Slack Jawed Yocals are going to come home pretty soon - Identify possible escape routes.
  8. Perhaps you've now discovered the Brandene and Cletus' secret? Umm MOVE! Stop screaming and GO!
  9. You manage to stick around long enough for the local folk to come back to home sweet home. Well now you hide! If you've hidden, hide somewhere that seems less obvious than in a closet. Under a bed perhaps with a decomposing corpse?
  10. You sneek out when they fall asleep - here's a tip - BE QUIET AND SHUT THE SQUEELER UP - unless you were smart enough to gag her before?
  11. Someone made a noise (No prizes for guessing who) Now you run, this is the only time it is acceptable to split up. If you're in an icolated group running, you're easy pray. They have to pick one and go for it. Pray it's not you!
  12. Some more of your friends die and you're left alone in hill billy hell. Keep your head down. If you stumble upon a feild of diused cars, trucks, camper vans etc, then make sure you hide untill late at night when all those sub human iliterate cannibals are safely snoozing in bed (Awww) Don't go back for someone who is only part concious - let 'em die I say! Save your own skin (Literally!)
  13. So you ignored yet another piece of good advice - time for the final show down. I recomend a good explosive or something that can mash those corn dog-diddly-ogs to hell!
  14. Having used a knife or a shot gun - time to re-think they are stronger than most and have killing tactics perfected - push the fool into a grinder! Always a good idea.
  15. Having saved the girl and nearly killed yourself in the process - it's time to ride off into the sunset (If you're not dead already) and heal your wounds. Ohh and next time... Take a plane
So having discussed the basics of classics such as Wrong turn 1/2, The Hills Have Eyes 1/2 and Texas Chainsaw Massacre We are all now well aware of the good advice people are shouting at the T.V. But then again if we listened to that advice... We wouldn't have a film would we?
TTFN good horror chums.

Rules to a horror film

So again I was pondering the various attributes films of the horror genre carry and one film seemed to list the key RULES. I am of course talking about SCREAM. I mean, who doesn't just love David Arquette' s hokey acting? Brilliant. But for all of us horror connoisseurs what are the key elements to a good horror? So I think it's time for my top 10!
1. A good cast.
2. A good script.
3. A memorable killer/killers/substance/monster or beast.
4. A painful kill that makes you go "Oooooouch!"
5. A hot girl or guy (always a must).
6. Realisum! We don't want to see the wires guys!
7. Continuity! There have been many mistakes in this area that take us completely out of the moment.  Saw 3, Nightmare on Elm St. and SCREAM to name a few.
8. Not too many sequels! Unless it carries on a good (entertaining) plot, then let is die already!
9. Unusual camera and editing - something that has a bit of WOW to it. Like Midnight meat train - Camera and editing beautifully done.
10. ORIGINALITY! No over done re-makes PLEASE! Some classic horror's have been so over made I loose count! Leave them to be remembered in dignity!
So I leave you with this; What's the most annoying horror mis-hap you care to mention?

Welcome to 10 or 15 minutes of total tosh. Enjoy.

Ok, so here I am. Making my debut BLOG.
I'll post some mock blogs I made shortly after this one - but first a little introduction is necessary.
  • I'm 18 years old. 
  • I'm British.
  • Have just confirmed my place at University.
  • I am a Writer and Director in the making. 
  • I wish to work both in Theater and Film.
  • My main love and passion is Horror films. (No not your run of the mill screaming woman being slashed etc. I like smart horrors. Although, having said that, I do hold love in my heart for Hostel I & II along with the SAW franchise.)
Anyway - back to the point.
I am not an overly interesting person. I am a philosopher, I am interested in the very fabric of human nature and have a fairly mundane view of life, the universe and everything.
However... I also like having a good time and I'm a smart arse.

So, from this point on - if you intend to keep reading - welcome to wasting precious moments of your life on reading my blather.

My name is Seraphina, and I'm a recovering piss artist.