Monday, 11 April 2011

Instant changes

Isn't it amazing how one event, one minute... One second can change months of belief?
That happened to me recently and no matter how hard I try; I cannot shake away the after thoughts.
The human mind is an amazing playground of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. But once an event has happened, no matter what fantasy you choose to cover up the pain or the realization - it just doesn't work.

So if you try and fail does it matter? Is your mind strong enough to over power the emotions evoked by a moment? Can one truely ever completely push something out of their mind?

The answer is; No. By nature human beings are dwellers. We are made what and who we are by the small moments that change our perspective.
Some examples;
Someone who knocks over a child because they were speeding - by that one moment - even if the child survives - they are altered forever.
Or a married couple - one spouse cheats - the other finds out - they (even if they move passed it) are also changed forever.
A young couple - together for a few months - they break up - for knowing that person, sharing small moments, then the sudden loss of something they believed in - they too are changed forever.

Life is full of small moments that have the ability to change the very foundations of who we are.
But what should we label them as? Mistakes? Misgivings?

No. They are learning curves that bend and curve our paths on the road to a better understanding of ourselves. Life is not a judgment passed - it is a lesson learned.

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