Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Fabiric of the Mind

So I'm in bed right now, typing away.
It occurs to me that my mind is different to everyone else's.
Everyone has their own image of what their mind is like.

Mine is like a dimly lit mansion, perfectly neat, many, many rooms. Each room has either a different set of thoughts and ideas where as others are filled with memories and fantasies. Each room has a lock and it is myself alone who decides whom I allow to enter it. Some rooms are unlocked and free for anyone to see and walk around in. These rooms are the only well lit places. The other darker ones, some with next to no light at all... Those rooms are under lock and key. It would require quite a special person to pick those locks, or pull the keys from my hands. (I realise that this sounds very Lecter-esque)

If anyone else was to stroll around this mansion it would seem like a confused and jumbled maze. However if I need to look at anything or remind myself of times past, I can walk to a room and pick out what is needed.

I wonder how other people see their mind? Is it a well lit palace? A room? A small house etc.

I suppose some others who lack depth and intellect would see their minds as mere meat, flesh, matter.
As I am a thinker, a philosopher, I see my mind as a place of sanctity and escape from the world around me, it can take me to the most beautiful and peaceful places, the most exciting places filled with wonderful people, foods and music. On the other hand... it can take me to dark and dangerous places, sometimes forcefully drag me to these awfully hideous places.

The mind, like any living organism, needs nourishment. One should be careful of what it provides for one's mind. If you feed it badly it will not grow correctly, if you neglect it by feeding it rubbish, it (again) will not grow correctly. I am not saying by any means that by watching, reading, listening etc to awful things is bad, that would make me a hypocrite (and I shall be labeled as no such thing) because I enjoy Horror. However, there is a limit - moderation and if you feed it something not entirely wholesome you should then feed it something wholesome. Also - just as society has drinking, smoking etc. ages - so should the mind. I was not allowed to see or hear anything harmful until I was old enough to cope - I am now able to make my own decisions and sometimes that results in not doing something I think would be fun at the time - I am better off not.

The mind, if used correctly, can be a powerful and beautiful tool, capable of splendorous things. However, if abused, it can be capable of great injustice and evil.
I like to think of my mind as great and wondrous, however highlights the darkness of the world and other minds through the ideas I write.

Just some food for thought.

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